Have you ever thought about what happens if you put coke into blender? The majority of people haven’t thought about it however it appears that the outcomes are quite fascinating. If coke is blended into a blender, it forms an extremely foamy liquid that is distinct from the smooth drink we’re used to drinking. The gas bubbles that are present in the soda get trapped in the liquid, resulting in an unusual appearance that is both entertaining and somewhat disgusting for kids to explore. If you’re curious to try something new, why not give it a the chance? Be sure to wash the blender immediately after as it’s not worth making you smell as if your home was repurposed coke!
What Happens if you put coke in a blender?
If you’re interested in what happens in the event that you add coke to blender and blend it, the answer is there’s nothing much. The soda may be able to foam and there might be some intriguing visuals, however, for the majority of the time it’s just the result of a fizzy mess. Naturally, when include other ingredients in the mix (like fruit or ice cream) and you’ll come with a delicious dessert. If all you’re looking for is a coke-flavored smoothie then you could take it straight out of the bottle.
Read carefully and learn how to crush ice in blender.
The Science Behind It
When you blend coke, the gas bubbles that give the soda its fizz are trapped within the liquid. This is due to the fact that carbon dioxide can be dissolved in water when it is at high pressure however, it is not soluble in atmospheric pressure. When you open a bottle of Coke and the carbon dioxide begins to release from the solution and creates those tiny bubbles. When you mix Coke, you form many tiny bubbles that are covered by liquid all around. This means that the carbon dioxide is unable to escape, and it becomes trapped in the foam.
Will Soda Explode in A Blender?
If you’re concerned that your blender over exploding when you attempt to mix coke, don’t. The soda won’t create enough pressure that the blender will explode. It is nevertheless possible that soda will spill out of the blender, if vigilant. When mixing carbonated drinks be sure to take off the lid of the blender slowly, so that the gas escapes slowly. If you remove your lid off to fast the built-up pressure will release all at once, creating an immense mess.
Can You Blend Soda and Ice?
You can mix soda and ice with no harm to your blender. Many people employ this technique to make your own carbonated Slushies home. Make sure you start with small amounts of ice to ensure that they don’t overflow the blender. Always, close the lid gradually to let the pressure release slowly.
How To Clean A Blender After Blending Soda
The cleaning of a blender post mixing coke is fairly simple you just need to rinse it using soap and water. The fizzing nature of soda can help to dissolve any residue that has remained which makes it simple to clean. If you’re having difficulty getting your blender spotless it is possible to add a small amount of white vinegar into the mix. The vinegar will assist in helping remove any residue that is stubborn and help make your blender sparkle!
Fun Ways to Use Coke Foam
Coke foam is perfect for a variety of activities including science experiments, to jokes. Here are some ideas to help you get going:
Create a DIY lava lamp: Add some coke foam into the jar in a clear container and then add vegetable oil. The two ingredients will separate and you will be able to watch the “lava” change in elevation and decrease.
Create a foamy volcanic eruption: Make a foamy volcano by pouring coke into a bowl, and add the drop of food coloring red. Set it on a dish and slowly pour the remaining coke along the edges. Food coloring can make real-looking lava flows, while the foam is sure to appear like an eruption volcano!
Get involved in a soda: Fight by filling water balloons with coke foam and engage in an argument with your friends. The balloons will fall apart on collision and cause foamy mess. But make sure you aim at the person, rather than their faces!
As you can see, there’s plenty you can accomplish using coke foam. If you’re curious Why not give it a go? Be sure to wash the blender following.